A logic integrated circuit is an integrated circuit that allows logic operations to be performed on one or more binary inputs to produce a binary output. Logic IC is a single small integrated package with the basic components and general functions of the logic circuit. These ICs are the core components of logic circuits. Logic ICs can enhance the signal integrity in the system, have greater noise tolerance than conventional inverters, minimize external timing requirements, and are the best solution to complete your special-purpose applications.
Why choose logic integrated circuits?
1. Logic ICs are small in size and can manufacture tiny circuit components. You can easily have a small and powerful device, and its function is the same as that of a large electronic device.
2. The manufacturing cost of logic ICs is lower, reducing the cost of purchasing logic ICs.
3. The power consumption rate of logic IC is very low, which helps to reduce power consumption.
4. There is a slight temperature difference between the components of the logic IC, which helps to reduce electromagnetic effects.
5. Logic IC has a higher operating speed.
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