How to use DK-309Bi lead-free low-temperature solder paste?


DK-309Bi lead-free low-temperature solder paste is an indispensable solder material for repairing ASIC miner hash boards and control boards. Its low-temperature characteristics can reduce the required soldering temperature, helping electronic components that cannot withstand conventional high-temperature soldering, thus preventing electronic components from being damaged due to overheating.

Product Features:

Melting point of 138°C, providing a lower soldering temperature.

Excellent wettability, ensuring uniform and full solder joints, with bright solder joints.

Reduces solder residue, making solder joints cleaner.

Minimal viscosity changes, ensuring stability in soldering performance over time.

usage illustrate for DK-309Bi low-temperature solder paste

DK-309Bi lead-free low-temperature solder paste soldering process:

Solder paste warming and stirring


Remove the DK-309Bi lead-free low-temperature solder paste from the low-temperature storage environment and place it indoors to allow it to naturally rise to room temperature, approximately 25°C. This process takes 3-4 hours.


Before use, thoroughly stir the solder paste to evenly mix the flux with the solder powder. Stir for 1-3 minutes.

Application and soldering work of solder paste

Tools needed: DK-309Bi lead-free low-temperature solder paste, dust-free cloth, cleaner, scraper, soldering iron.

Place the hash board or control board to be repaired on the workbench, gently wipe its surface with a dust-free cloth and cleaner to remove any dust, solder impurities, etc. Use a scraper to evenly apply the DK-309Bi lead-free low-temperature solder paste to the soldering area.

Place the electronic components to be soldered in the corresponding positions in the soldered area.

Heat the soldering iron and use it to heat the solder paste on the soldering area.

Wait for the solder paste to melt and fuse with the solder joints.

Allow the solder joints to cool for some time until the solder completely solidifies and forms a reliable solder connection.

At this point, the soldering work is completed.


When using DK-309Bi lead-free low-temperature solder paste for soldering work, the flux in the solder paste will produce some irritating smoke and gases, which may cause discomfort with prolonged exposure. It is recommended to conduct soldering work in a ventilated environment, and you can also use a smoke absorber such as the FA-400 soldering iron smoke absorber.

DK-309Bi lead-free low-temperature solder paste has good fluidity and wettability, ensuring reliability and connectivity during soldering on ASIC miner hash boards or control boards. It can also improve the cooling efficiency of ASIC miner.

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