Advantages and usage of SANKI solder wire 0.6mm


When maintenance technicians are repairing ASIC miners, solder wire can assist the electric soldering iron to solder electronic components (ASIC chips, resistors, capacitors, LDO chips, etc.) on the hash board or control board. The raw material of SANKI solder wire is extracted from tin ore by electrolysis and contains a small amount of magnesium. Its rosin core is made of high-quality rosin and special organic acid.

Features and advantages of SANKI solder wire:

The soldering speed is fast, which can effectively reduce the impact of high temperature on electronic components during soldering.

There is less smoke and no irritating smell during soldering.

Because of its good wettability, the solder joints can be smooth and bright after soldering.

There is less residue after soldering and no need to clean it.

soldering wire 0.6mm

How to use SANKI solder wire:

Prepare tools: hash board or control board, electronic components to be soldered, SANKI solder wire, electric soldering iron, flux, tweezers

Place the hash board or control board on a horizontal table.

Use tweezers to pick up the electronic components to be soldered and place them on the soldering pad, and align the pins of the electronic components to the corresponding positions.

Apply flux to the pins of the electronic components.

Heat the electric soldering iron and then remove a SANKI solder wire.

Align the solder wire with the pins of the electronic components, and then use the electric soldering iron to melt the solder wire so that it can solder and fix the pins of the electronic components on the soldering pad.

The above is how to use SANKI solder wire.

SANKI solder wire application

SANKI solder wire can meet the soldering needs of electronic components on hash boards or control boards, ensure the stability and reliability of the soldering points, and thus improve the overall performance of hash boards or control boards. At the same time, its environmental protection characteristics meet the production requirements of modern electronic products and reduce the impact on the environment.

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