For free download the litecoin miner firmware file for R3-LTC, Antminer L3++, Antminer L3+, Antminer L3, Antminer L7, Antminer L9.
Miner model | File name | File size | Description | Publish date | Action |
Antminer L9 firmware | Antminer-L9-CV-release-202408211920.bmu | 12.28MB | MD5:665ebe62fda05f30532549c7ee53b7cb ANTMINER L9. initial firmware. Please make sure the miner type and firmware type are the same before upgrading the miner firmware. | 2024-09-02 | Download |
Antminer L7 firmware | Antminer-L7-release-202301300939.bmu | 17.44MB | Updates: 1. This firmware supports sleep mode and low power mode. Please make sure the miner type and firmware type are the same before upgrading the miner firmware. | 2023-02-24 | Download |
Antminer L7 firmware | Antminer-L7-release-202405141413.bmu | 17.56MB | MD5:ea93a2425110d2a821587ff4b56e8ce7 Updates: 1. Optimized firmware. 2. L7 miners before 2023 are strongly advised not to upgrade this firmware instead of Antminer-L7-release-202301300939.bmu. Please make sure the miner type and firmware type are the same before upgrading the miner firmware. | 2024-05-23 | Download |
R3-LTC firmware | AntRouter-R3-LTC-SIA-DASH-20180815.bin | 15.46MB | / | 2018-08-10 | Download |
Antminer L3++ firmware | ANTMINER-L3++-201907151552-450M.tar.gz | 12.43MB | 1.Support blacklist feature during updating firmware. 2.Delete uploading config file web API. 3.Support the location feature through LED flash. 4.Use new build tools to build firmware. 5.If upgrading the firmware through no keeping configuration file, it is need to configure miner account and miner pools to mine, otherwise(Upgrading through using keeping configuration file), it is no need to configure the miner and miner pools using previous miner settings to mine. | 2018-11-19 | Download |
Antminer L3+ firmware | ANTMINER-L3+-201907101440-384M.tar.gz | 11.46MB | 1.Support blacklist feature during updating firmware. 2.Delete uploading config file web API. 3.Support the location feature through LED flash. 4.Use new build tools to build firmware. 5.If upgrading the firmware through no keeping configuration file, it is need to configure miner account and miner pools to mine, otherwise(Upgrading through using keeping configuration file), it is no need to configure the miner and miner pools using previous miner settings to mine. | 2019-04-16 | Download |
Antminer L3 firmware | ANTMINER-L3-201704271449-384M.tar.gz | 9.91MB | 1. Support L3 miners 2. Remove the function: post mac address and remote stop mining interface | 2017-04-27 | Download |
Firmware download for SD card:
Miner model | File name | File size | Description | Publish date | Action |
Antminer L7 firmware | sd-recover-bmu-L7-fixed-202201241601-release.zip | 27.20MB | L7 flash card firmware package. | 2022-08-25 | Download |
Antminer l3+ firmware | 201904231534-L3+-SD-recover-NAND.zip | 179.31MB | L3+ SD card firmware | 2022-09-26 | Download |
Antminer L3++ firmware | 201904231425-L3++-SD-recover-NAND.zip | 179.30MB | L3++ SD card firmware | 2022-08-25 | Download |